3.18. /api/v2/card-insurance-document
Card insurance document is initiated through HTTPS POST request by using URLs and the parameters specified below. Use OAuth HMAC-SHA1 for authentication. See Statuses.
After a successful transaction, it is necessary to generate a request to download the insurance policy with the Payer’s data in PDF format.
Integration |
Production |
https://sandbox.goldenapple.com.cy/paynet/api/v2/card-insurance-document/ENDPOINTID |
https://gate.goldenapple.com.cy/paynet/api/v2/card-insurance-document/ENDPOINTID |
Request Parameters
Parameter Name |
Description |
client-order-id |
Unique order identifier assigned by Connecting Party. |
order_id |
Order id assigned to the order by GoldenApple. |
end-point-id |
Endpoint id used for the transaction. |
consumer_key |
Connecting party’s login in the system. |
consumer_secret |
Connecting party’s control key. |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name |
Description |
request_serial_number |
A unique number assigned by the server GoldenApple for a specific request from the connecting party. |
document_path |
The link to download the document. |
Request Example
POST /paynet/api/v2/card-insurance-document/3213 HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/8.7.1
Accept: */*
Authorization: OAuth realm="",oauth_version="1.0",oauth_consumer_key="merchantlogin",oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",oauth_signature="IibClG%2FGfoxiGvKSyRovTH0P1Pg%3D"
Content-Length: 120
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Connection: close
Success Response Example
"request_serial_number": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000001fd4472",
"document_path": "https://sandbox.goldenapple.com.cy/paynet/api/v2/download/card-ins-12345678912345678912"
The received link must be displayed in the Payer’s browser.
The file is available for a single download only.
Fail Response Example
HTTP/1.1 403
Server: server
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2025 10:27:47 GMT
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8
Connection: close
X-XSS-Protection: 1
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000
Content-Length: 102
Request Builder
normalized parameters |
signature base string |
signature |
authorization header |