Endpoint Overview
Endpoint is uniquely identified terminal in Payment Gateway, which is assigned to the Merchant and has to be provided in the commands within Payment Gateway API. The Endpoint list screen is located at Settings -> Configuration -> End points. This screen contains all Endpoints created for all Merchants in the system.

To monitor the Endpoint activity, Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are used, such as: Merchant earnings, Average order value, and others. The KPI submenu opens by pressing the Detailed button on the Endpoint search screen. See details in KPIs Detailed View.
Click on the Endpoint name to open detailed information about this endpoint.
It is possible to configure custom payment forms on Endpoint or Master Endpoint, see Forms Customization in integration documentation. Customized forms can be installed on Endpoint details screen.
To view the filters configured on the Endpoint, use the “Fraud protection filters” tab.
To view the necessity of additional fields on payment form, use the “API Fields” tab.
To work with other configuration options, see the information below.
The Endpoint settings (such as limits, payment forms, client definition, etc) override the Project settings.
Endpoint Settings
This screen shows how to create and edit the endpoint. |
This screen shows all information about message templates sent to Customers after transactions. |
Endpoint details screen contains information about configured options on this Endpoint, its ID, limits and linked Project. |
This screen shows how to set up callbacks on Endpoint level. |
This screen shows information and how to set up Buy Now Button. |
Thi screen shows all information about Account Balances. |